Originally Posted on Tumblr on Dec 15th, 2017
(Reupload notes: Once again, those traitors.)
Many of you are probably still recuperating from the vote the other day that repealed network neutrality. Some words of encouragement may be in order here.
This is indeed bad. Very bad. BUT, this is only Round 1.
There is still a lot of time between the vote and when its effects will become full-bloom; it still has to survive a lengthy process (Congress, courts, and the like), not to mention the fierce opposition the vote has. Hell, there is already an attorney general, Eric Schneiderman from New York, who is leading a multi-state lawsuit against the FCC for the shit they pulled. God bless.
Anyways, don’t give up, keep on getting involved, contribute to the effort to save the net as we know it, and whatever you do, DO NOT take your eyes off of your enemies.
Lack of competition & subsidies/tax breaks for ISPs is the problem. Lobbying has always been an issue. Why compete when you can legally bribe the government to raise the bar for entry into the marketplace? They get fat off of the government teat and expect their bought politicians to do favors for them.