Originally Posted on Tumblr on May 16th, 2018
(Reupload notes: I kinda wonder how much further the topic will go on in the political scene. I'm just grateful that I keep a handful of activist email subscriptions in my back pocket. I honestly would hardly know what the hell was going on otherwise.)
Awesome news, dudes! The votes are in and the Senate voted to overturn the FCC’s net neutrality repeal. I took the liberty of whittling down some personal emails of mine, and have managed to boil it all down to the following:
At a 52-47 voting margin, the Senate just voted to pass a resolution of disapproval that would overturn the FCC’s net neutrality repeal. This resolution now must be passed by the House of Representatives. The repeal will go into effect on June 11, but if the House also votes to overturn the FCC’s decision, net neutrality would be saved courtesy of the Congressional Review Act.
June 11 is less than a month away. I advise all of you to keep your ears cocked and stay on your toes.